References Zuk-O-Pur LF : Installations of individual treatment plant with fixed bed biomass in Belgium
Country / Location(*) | Size in PE (**) | Type of tank | Year of commissioning |
50 PE max (DIN4261, §2) | |||
Stoumont (housing for tourist groups) | 30 to 37 | 2 tanks with precast concrete rings (Rhebau). | 1998 |
2 installations | 10 PE maximum | Monobloc precast concrete tank (CROSSCO) | 2000 |
Membres (tourist housing) Chastre (group of houses) Gaasbeek (group of houses) | 3 x 10 to 15 | Monobloc precast concrete tank (CROSSCO) | 2000 |
Berlaar (Castle with housing and meeting rooms) | 27 to 34 | 2 precast concrete tanks (CROSSCO) | 2000 |
7 installations | 10 PE maximum | Monobloc precast concrete tank (CROSSCO) | 2001 |
8 installations | 10 PE maximum | Monobloc precast concrete tank (CROSSCO) | 2002 |
12 installations | 10 PE maximum | Monobloc precast concrete tank (CROSSCO) | 2003 |
20 installations | 10 PE maximum | Monobloc precast concrete tank (CROSSCO) | 2004 |
Bree (2 dairy farms) | 35M(Max 35 PE) | 2 precast concrete tanks (CROSSCO) | 2004 |
25 installations | 10 PE maximum | Monobloc precast concrete tank (CROSSCO) | 2005 |
Asquillies (Restaurant/Bar) | 33 to 41 | 2 precast concrete tanks (CROSSCO) | 2005 |
35 installations | 10 PE maximum | Monobloc precast concrete tank (CROSSCO) | 2006 |
Bertrix (offices building) | 20 to 25 | 2 precast concrete tanks (CROSSCO) | 2006 |
St Servais (meat processing factory) | 33 to 41 | 2 precast concrete tanks (CROSSCO) | 2006 |
50 installations | 10 PE maximum | Monobloc precast concrete tank (CROSSCO) | 2007 |
Barry (Restaurant/Bar) | 23 to 29 | 2 precast concrete tanks (CROSSCO) | 2007 |
Ghent (restaurant on houseboat) | 33 | Prefabricated HDPE tank (CROSSCO) | 2007 |
70 installations | 10 PE maximum | Monobloc precast concrete tank (CROSSCO) | 2008 - 2010 |
50 to 500 EH (ATV 122) | |||
Bilzen (rural area neighbourhood) | 60 to 75 | 2 precast concrete tanks (CROSSCO) | 2001 |
Blaregnies (senior citizen housing) | 51 to 63 | 2 precast concrete tanks (CROSSCO) | 2006 |
(*) In Germany, DIN or ATV norms can be used to guarantee European discharge norms (BOD < 25 mg/l, COD < 125 mg/l and suspended matters < 35 mg/l) after treatment of waste water.
(**) PE = Population Equivalent. In Belgium, the first figure corresponds to the pollutant load that guarantees the European Norms (application of German rules of calculation); the second figure corresponds to the pollutant load that guarantees the Wallonia or Flanders norms (depending on the region).
This list is not compete and confidential. Clients can't be contacted before agreement and intervention of Zuko. It includes installations by Zuko and by subcontractors.
In every case, Zuko has modified the existing sewerage network in order to allow a rational functioning of the treatment system. Preliminary design for sewerage has always been done by Zuko.